Sunday, 30 December 2012

Blood stain patterns

When researching my last post I came across a website explaining what else blood stains can tell us, and decided that I would also like to research into this.

From blood stains we can find out many things, including:
  1. When it happened
  2. Type of weapon
  3. Movements of those involved
  4. What injuries occurred/ whether death was immediate
Due to surface tension of blood causes it to have a spherical shape, as it pulls itself in, and keeps this shape until it hits a surface. This means that we are more easily able to tell how the blood has got there.

Blood stains are categorized in terms of velocity:
  • Low-velocity impact spatter= <1.5 m/s
This is blood that has fallen at the speed of gravity, so are therefore usually large circular spatter where blood has fallen from an open wound.
  • Medium-velocity impact spatter= 1.5 m/s- 7.5 m/s
The force of this impact means that there are smaller splatters, and this is the type usually seen in stabbings.
  • High-velocity impact spatter= >30m/s
At a higher impact velocity, the blood which spatters is of a much smaller size. This type is generally due to gunshot.

There are also other types of blood staining that can occur, including:
  • Cast-off stains- where blood off an object is transferred onto another surface.
  • Shadowing- where there is an empty space in the blood spatter where there must have been an object.
  • Swipes- where blood off an object/ person has been smeared against a surface.
  • Transfers- where a bloody surface comes into contact with another surface and a pattern can be seen.
Scientists can also tell the angle at which the blood fell, by measuring the length and width of the spatter and dividing the smaller number by the larger number and using the arcsine rule. The more spherical (and not elongated) that the blood spatter is, the closer to 90 degrees the source of blood was. As well as this, the direction of the 'tail' on a blood spatter shows which direction the blood has traveled in. 


Wednesday, 19 December 2012

DNA matching- Blood

''Why, man, it is the most practical medico-legal discovery for years. Don't you see that it gives us an infallible test for blood stains.'- A study in scarlet by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.
Upon reading one of the books in the Sherlock Holmes series, I began to wonder how it is possible to test for blood stains in crime scenes, and this is what I shall research and explain in this post.
When looking for traces of blood at a crime scene, a mixture of luminol power, hydrogen peroxide and hydroxide, creates a luminol chemiluminescence reaction. This solution can be sprayed where blood may be found. The reaction works due to the iron in the heamoglobin working as a catalyst for the reaction, which causes a blue glow that lasts for around 30 seconds. Iron is used as a catalyst for the oxididation reaction where luminol loses nitrogen and hydrogen but gains oxygen. This forms 3-aminophthalate; it's electrons are in an "excited state" and the blue glow is the energy given off as it returns to a normal state. This method can be useful because even traces of blood can be easily seen.

Once the blood has been identified, it can be useful to see whom the blood belongs to. The blood will contain DNA, which is often very useful when trying to understand who was involved in an incident. Deoxyribonucleic acid is made up of a Sugar phosphate backbone as well as around 3 billion base pairs attached to this. As the diagram shows, they are made up of adenine, thymine, guanine and cytosine. These chemicals are arranged in an order that is unique to a person, and because DNA is found in every cell in your body, it is relatively easy to obtain.

DNA can be extracted using a mixture contains chloroform and phenol which is used to separate the strand of DNA from the rest of the nucleus. In order to increase the amount of DNA, we can use a Polymerase Chain Reaction. An enzyme called 'polymerase' is added to the DNA to work as a catalyst in duplicating the strand. To separate this into smaller pieces, an enzyme cuts up the DNA whenever a specific nucleotide pattern occurs on the strand.
To sort the DNA, electrophoresis is used. DNA fragments are put on a gel that is positively charged at the bottom and negatively charged at the top. As DNA has a slight negative charge it is attracted to the bottom, and the smaller pieces travel faster down that the larger pieces which means that bands are created on the gel.

These 'bands' allow DNA samples to be compared. In this example, we can see that suspect #2's DNA matches that which was found at the crime scene, and allows the suspect to be linked to the crime. However,  the DNA samples can be similar within a small percentage of the population, so this is not always good enough evidence to prove that they have committed the crime.
Furthermore, DNA testing is becoming more advanced due to the mapping of the human genome in 2001. Genes can now be used to show inherited traits, such as hair and eye colour, and these techniques are becoming increasingly advanced.